The DILS Program

The Directed Independent Language Studies (DILS) program matches self-motivated MSU Denver students who want to learn a Less Commonly Taught Language, not currently offered at MSU Denver, with partners who speak the language in independent study sessions. The goals for learning the target language are personalized, and the coaching sessions are organized primarily around active conversation exchange.

Program Highlights

Two hands shaking

Open for all MSU Denver Students

If you are interested in studying a language not currently taught at MSU Denver (Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Italian, or Chinese), this program is for you.


Free to all MSU Denver students

What does that mean? In its most basic form, this program does not award academic credit and is therefore, free.

Pen Writing

Independent Study Eligible

Although, typically non-credit bearing, students can earn Independent Study credit. Contact the DILS Coordinator to learn more.

Learner Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be self-motivated and capable of studying independently.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must have completed at least one semester at MSU Denver.
  • Must commit to 2 hours per week with the coach and minimum 2 hours per week studying on your own, and take a midterm and a final examination.
  • Must attend an orientation session in the beginning of the semester and sign a learner’s contract.
  • Must complete an exit questionnaire online.
  • Must set own goals for studying the language, for example: during international travel, study abroad, field work abroad or cultivating intercultural and international relationships with people from around the world

Additional Information

MSU Denver Department of World Languages provides materials textbooks that may be borrowed and language lab use on campus.

Want to become a Language Partner/Coach? Here's how.

Apply for the Program


  • For fall semester: August 1
  • For spring semester: January 1

Interview: Students will be informed as to the status of their applications within two to four weeks after the application filing deadline, and may at that time be invited for an interview.

Acceptance: DILS program staff will research the languages of the strongest applications to determine the availability of the appropriate instructional materials, language partner and examiner. Students’ final acceptance will depend on the availability of these components.

Students will meet their native speaker Language Partners at Orientation to set up a lesson schedule/time

Learner Application

Language Partner/Coach Application

Want more information?

Contact the DILS Coordinator: Koko Moore 

Email Us
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